"Learning together we can reach for the stars"

Curriculum Intent
Our newly adapted whole school curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities for our children. Underpinned by the National Curriculum and the Statutory EYFS Framework, our curriculum considers the needs of our children, their interests and the local community, which we are very proud to be a part of.
At Race Leys Infant School, we strive to engage and inspire our pupils by providing a curriculum which is relevant, fun and memorable, developing the children’s deep and meaningful understanding of their learning. Our curriculum aims to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop their creativity and encourages independence, individuality and to build lifelong skills.
The curriculum at Race Leys Infant School covers the key areas of knowledge, skills and understanding outlined in the National Curriculum. We aim to embed a love of learning and to support the children in developing their learning behaviours. Pupils will be encouraged to deepen their learning, building on skills progressively as they move through the school. We use a cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning which means that skills, knowledge and understanding across a range of subjects are brought together as part of a topic theme. This is further enhanced by the use of a selection of story books, poems, film, visitors, themed days/weeks and visits within the local community and beyond. We promote the engagement of all pupils in sports, music and the arts and offer a wide selection of after school clubs.
At the heart of our learning are the school’s values of respect, honesty, perseverance, caring, teamwork, fairness and equality. This holistic approach allows the children to grow and thrive into well rounded individuals who develop resilience and high expectations of themselves. Pupils learn how to use the values to help them to become respectful, global citizens. Our caring culture and understanding of honesty, fairness and equality underpins the ethos of the school. Children will learn how to live a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.
Pupils in Reception follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum which is rooted in first hand, play based learning both inside and outside. We adopt a child centred approach and adapt the learning to suit the needs and styles of the children. Within the Early Years there is a combination of child initiated and adult led learning opportunities. This allows children to develop skills and provides opportunities to build upon the characteristics of effective learning already taught at Pre-School.
Pupils in Key Stage One are taught the subjects of the National Curriculum (2014) plus Religious Education. Class teachers build on knowledge, skills, understanding and characteristics of learning from the Foundation Stage to teach all of the subjects to their pupils. The children receive advice and information from staff with expertise in particular subjects. We adopt active learning opportunities wherever possible to encourage full engagement and joy within learning experiences.
Aims of the Race Leys Infant School Curriculum
Children experience a rich, engaging curriculum which promotes a passion for learning and develops the whole child.
Children strive to achieve high quality, progressive outcomes that are measured against explicit skills in all subject areas which leads to good progress and success.
The curriculum meets the needs of all pupils, regardless of starting points and engages pupils. Pupil progress is continually monitored throughout the year. We believe that a child’s starting point should not determine their destination.
Children are prepared for the challenges of future learning and life experiences, gaining a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills underpinned by our core values.
Children are taught skills to equip them to live a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.
Teachers know the key areas to teach as a result of the rigorous framework of progressive skills which are mapped out across each year group.
Curriculum for SEND and disadvantaged pupils will be tailored rather than reduced or limited.