"Learning together we can reach for the stars"

Implementation of the Curriculum
At Race Leys Infant School, we plan learning in a thematic approach where appropriate and take advantage of stand-alone learning where needed (e.g. RE and Music). Themes are organised across each year group to ensure that there are a variety of curriculum drivers that cover the content of the National Curriculum. This thematic approach enables a more flexible delivery of the curriculum, meaning that children will have the chance to study areas of the curriculum over a period of time, rather than once each week. Organising the learning in this way means that teachers have the flexibility to deliver the curriculum in the way that they feel will have the most impact for learners. Meaningful experiences are planned in throughout the children’s learning to allow for a greater understanding of the world they are learning about.
Reading is at the heart of all we do at Race Leys Infant School. We believe that children should develop a love of books and an understanding of early reading in order to unlock a world of possibilities.
See curriculum planning documents for more detail.