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 At Race Leys Infant School we expect all children on roll to attend every day as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.

 Our attendance target for 22-2023 is 96%.



 We encourage good attendance by using the following procedures:

  • We ask that parents ring us before 10am on the first morning of absence to explain why their child/children are not in school.

  • If we do not receive any notification of an absence we will call you on the first day of absence.

  • If your child’s attendance drops below 96% you will be informed by letter.

  • If there is no improvement after an attendance letter has been received, the parent will be invited to an informal meeting with the attendance officer, headteacher and/or a representative from the ACE to set targets for improvement.

  • All children that arrive after the bell must report to the reception to sign their child in. The ACE team may hold ‘Late gates’ throughout the year.  It is very important for all children to arrive on time as it is very unsettling for them to arrive late.

  • We ask that any appointments during school are notified to the teacher/office staff in advance and a copy of the appointment letter/card be provided.


We work closely with the ACE Team (The Attendance, Compliance and Enforcement Service) and meet each half term to review attendance and punctuality.


We reward our children at Race Leys to encourage good attendance by:

  • Each week the class with the best attendance receives the attendance bear and a certificate for the class. Each class member gets a certificate to take home.

  • Children receive certificates for excellent attendance each term (96% and above)

  • All children that receive a certificate are placed in a prize drawer each term for a fantastic prize.

  • The most improved attender receives a prize each term where appropriate.

  • Children who have achieved excellent attendance for the year receive a gold certificate at a special end of year assembly.

Race Leys Infant School

Hurst Road, Bedworth 
CV12 8AD

02476 312221




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